Sunday, November 15, 2009


Dear ATL Artists

A legendary Artist told me, “People want you to tell their story…some people want to appreciate what you do”. Another legend told me “People want to see your blood on that canvas”.

Flashback to the Summer of 2008, I went to Art, Beats + Lyrics in Atlanta for the 1st time. There I was a virtual unknown Artist and a bystander in the crowd. There I stood in front of the projection screen that was showing the local Artists and there work. I said to myself, “I can do better than this” and “My work deserves to be here”.

Filled by selfish pride, I worked to be “better” than the best. A long losing battle, with self. Because in the process, I began to lose myself in self. What made me a good artist started to fade, I became a Competitor not a creator. My competitiveness made me lose my artistic purpose. To create and inspire.

Today in Atlanta, many are in the same trap and the art hasn’t gotten any better. Let me be honest, it sucks. Artists that been in the game for over 5-10+ years, haven’t evolved. Copy cats are everywhere. Originality is dying as fast as the Hip-Hop culture did in the 21st century. Gilbert Young told me, “Don’t be like me, be better than me”.

Artists now have became predictable and lazy with their talents. Most of you quit learning. Quit appreciating other art forms. Quit opening your minds. Quit taking risks. Quit sketching. Quit trying to broaden your fan base. Quit loving Art. Quit being open to criticisms. The only consistent thing is most of your egos have gotten bigger, with little to nothing to show for it. Damn Battling each other, battle your sorry ass skills. Blank paper looks better than some stuff I’ve seen lately. Quit being sloppy.

But Who am I to judge?

I have no legacy, no clout, and no authority. But I am fan of Art and a diehard Art lover. So that’s my authority. Which you are painting, illustrating, and etc. for. I am the PEOPLE: the collectors, the fans, the fellow artist, and the dead legends before us.

Stop wasting this opprotunity. This is our History. Look around at the Artists in Atlanta. We are a Power. We are or can be the Mecca where people come on a plane, train, or bus just to see our ART. We can change things in our community and world. Through Art, we can reach out to other communities because art is the universal language.

I told my brother/arch-enemy in Art, Fabian Williams, “I want the Legends to pass the torch to me, but if they never do, I’m going to start my own fire for myself.”

We, the Artists of Atlanta, are someone’s inspiration. We are who the next generation is looking up to, to be like. If we continue to short our talents, we short a generation of Artists and our own legacy. We are The Renaissance, but we don’t even see it. There should be a documentary about us, not an obituary.



  1. I see you CP... one loses site of the goal while they are looking for their competition.

    We should each endeavor to be our greatest artist self... not merely the greatest, because that aspiration is a mere fantasy. I can only be the best at being me!


  2. I like your passion CP! Reminds me of my own.:)
